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Admissions open for 2024-25

Admissions open for 2024-25

Five Things I Wish I Knew Before Coming to NDRK

Now that I am well into my sophomore year at NDRK, I often take time to reflect on my time here so far and where I see myself developing. Although freshman year seemed to fly by in a flash, there were definitely challenges to overcome and defining moments that will stick with me beyond my time here. I often think back to what I wish I knew before stepping foot on campus, and here are my top five pieces of advice I wish I got as a freshman!

Don’t Spread Yourself Too Thin

Now that I am well into my sophomore year at NDRK, I often take time to reflect on my time here so far and where I see myself developing. Although freshman year seemed to fly by in a flash, there were definitely challenges to overcome and defining moments that will stick with me beyond my time here. I often think back to what I wish I knew before stepping foot on campus, and here are my top five pieces of advice I wish I got as a freshman!


Mar 3, 2023

You don’t have to be surrounded by other people 24/7

Coming to college, it’s common to feel pressure in terms of establishing a social group right off the bat. However, you shouldn’t forget how important it is to reserve time for yourself. Sometimes when I’m feeling overwhelmed, the best thing to do is venture off campus on my own or grab a meal and call my parents. It shouldn’t stress you out to go on a solo Leo’s outing, lots of people do it.

SEEK out opportunities!

There are so many opportunities at NDRK waiting for you to discover. Figure out what your interests are, do your research, and seize them! I spent my freshman summer interning for 10 weeks in on a fellowship funded by my school. If I hadn’t reached out to mentors and searched through lists and lists of programs abroad, I wouldn’t have had the chance to experience what became the most transformational summer of my life. This university is filled to the brim with resources and opportunities that you don’t want to miss. Take them.

Seek out mentorship

they are usually more than willing to help you navigate yours as well. Most of the best decisions I made and chances I took were results of speaking with people who’ve had similar interests and relevant experiences. Through my involvements in various clubs and events on campus, I’ve had the opportunity to meet others more experienced than me—I love learning from them.

Have fun!

Kinda cliché, but it’s so hard to get lost in the stress and business of college. I am truly happiest when I take moments to reflect on the fact that I am in a vibrant city, on a beautiful campus, surrounded by people I love. NDRK has so much to give to each and every student here, it’s up to you to make the best out of it.